Want Me To Personally Install ALL Of The Proven Systems I Used To Scale a Brokerage To 9-Figures Into YOUR Business?

Transform Your Brokerage Into A Self-Sustaining

“Profit Center” In Just 90 Short Days

With “The Brokerage Firm Fix”

When you claim your spot inside “The Brokerage Firm Fix,” I will personally help you accomplish all of the following as fast as humanly possible:

  • Add Up To A Full Zero To Your Profits

  • Duplicate Yourself To Double Your Free Time

  • Effortlessly Attract “Super Agents” On Demand

  • Keep Your Top Agents Motivated & Loyal So They Never Leave

  • Systemize Deal Flow To Dominate Your Market

  • Win Deals Around The Clock Without Working Around The Clock

  • Grow & Scale Faster Than You Can Imagine

Hurry up, because spots are limited

(and price is subject to change)!

Want Me To Personally Install ALL Of The Proven Systems I Used To Scale a Brokerage To 9-Figures Into YOUR Business?

Transform Your Brokerage Into A Self-Sustaining “Profit Center” In Just 90 Short Days With “The Brokerage Firm Fix”

When you claim your spot inside “The Brokerage Firm Fix,” I will personally help you accomplish all of the following as fast as humanly possible:

  • Add Up To A Full Zero To Your Profits

  • Duplicate Yourself To Double Your Free Time

  • Effortlessly Attract “Super Agents” On Demand

  • Keep Your Top Agents Motivated & Loyal So They Never Leave

  • Systemize Deal Flow To Dominate Your Market

  • Win Deals Around The Clock Without Working Around The Clock

  • Grow & Scale Faster Than You Can Imagine

Hurry up, because spots are limited

(and price is subject to change)!

Here’s Just A Preview

Of What We’ll Accomplish Together

This Quarter

Week 1:

Set The Foundation For “Duplication”!

Leverage My “5 Core Systems Of Duplication” To Remove & Replace Yourself… So Your Brokerage Runs Smoothly & Profitably, Even When You’re On Vacation

  • I’ll personally analyze every aspect of your business to find the strengths and weaknesses, fix and plug the holes, and install my proven systems in the right way to generate duplication.

  • Clone yourself: I’ll unpack the exact systems you need to remove your brokerage’s dependence on you, so you can win back your free time without sacrificing profit.

  • Unlock proven, time-saving systems to automate routine tasks, freeing your bandwidth for higher priorities.

  • Install my systems of duplication in the right order for maximum impact and minimum disruption.

  • Leverage my proven ROI calculators and benchmarking tools so you can experience tangible productivity gains and cost savings right away.

  • The 5-minute action plan: discover how to quickly translate my audit into an action plan that you can rapidly execute, to lock in sustainable improvements.

Week 2:

Tap Into The Secret To Scaling!

Systemize The Invisible To Overhaul Operations

In As Little As One Week, Automate Tedious To-Dos

& Grow On Auto-Pilot

  • 10x your productivity: Get my streamlined comms and operations systems to skyrocket your productivity, so you can finally become the high-producing leader your agents need.

  • Implement my 9-figure operating systems smoothly and without disruption so your agents can keep producing, while we lay the foundations for your explosive growth.

  • Leverage my tried-and-tested system to intentionally create an “A-Player environment” in your brokerage, even if individual personalities and work styles are wildly different.

  • Onboarding made easy: Get my battle-tested SOPs to make your transition to my profit-producing systems quick and friction-free.

  • Support for your producers: I’ll implement my personal high-profit systems, created for brokers to give top-tier agents everything they need to work, sell, and make more money.

Weeks 3-6:

Recruit “By Design”!

Leverage My “Recruit By Design” System To 10x Your Recruitment In 28 Days & Effortlessly Attract “Super-Agents,” On Demand

  • Install my simple method for recruiting superstar agents quickly and cheaply.

  • The fastest, easiest way to make your brokerage stand out to top-performing agents so they almost recruit themselves!

  • Get my agent recruitment SOPs, so you can weed out poor prospects immediately to almost guarantee you always make the right hire.

  • Use my step-by-step system to amplify your reputation, so your brokerage becomes the only place high-producing agents WANT to work.

  • Expert onboarding: Get my tried-and-tested onboarding SOPs to seamlessly add new agents without disrupting the team dynamic.

  • Discover what to look for in new agents, so you can rapidly evaluate how well they'll fit in and perform–before you hire them.

Weeks 7-10:

Agent Training, Done FOR You!

Leverage The Industry’s No. 1 Agent Training Protocol To Transform Every Agent Into A Highly-Profitable, Top-Performer In Record Time

  • My “Agent Leader” training protocol has generated more than $1BN in sales. When you join “The Brokerage Firm Fix” it’s yours, free. That means, I’ll personally train your agents on the industry’s leading billion-dollar protocol… so they produce like crazy, without any excess hand holding from you.

  • Make your agents more profitable & productive: Empower your agents to close more deals, deliver higher commissions, and boost your bottom line.

  • 10x your referrals: Get my “No Ask” Referral Ramp Method to unlock an steady, endless stream of referrals from current and past clients WITHOUT appearing desperate, annoying, or needy.

  • Stand out from your competition by giving A-Players the opportunities they crave to master their craft. Supercharge your agents’ closing rates and profit from their skillset.

  • Guarantee your agents deliver an unparalleled customer experience to send client referrals through the roof!

Weeks 11-12:

Systemize Retention!

Skyrocket Your Retention Rate To 99.9%+

So You Never Lose A Top Agent Again!

  • Discover how to build lasting relationships with your top agents, so they stay loyal even when other brokers inevitably attempt to poach them.

  • Installation is easy! I’ll help you install my top retention strategies in real-time without rocking the boat or disrupting workflow.

  • Make them stay and keep them motivated! Leverage my “A-Player Incentivization Strategies” to get every agent to treat your business like it’s their business so they’ll produce top-tier profit, long-term.

  • Generate tangible results: I’ll show you how to measure and track your retention efforts to prove they are working, while driving your retention rate to 99.9%+.

  • Discover the hidden psychology of top agents — and how to give them the EXACT things they crave to bust through their ceilings.

I’m Your Personal Advisor!

Every Week, You Get A Hands-On 1:1 Call With Me…

You don’t just get ALL of my 9-figure systems…

You get ME!

I.e. I’m going to grab you by the hand and personally help you INSTALL each 9-figure system into your brokerage…

So they’re up and running the right way as fast as humanly possible… and without any confusion, contemplation, or unnecessary risk!

Said differently, this isn’t some generic group coaching group with little to any support…

This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to have me personally guide you every step of the way… and work 1:1 with you WEEKLY to ensure your success!

Here’s Everything You Get When You Reserve Your Spot In “The Brokerage Firm Fix” Today

  • The “Brokerage Audit Review Worksheet” ($500 Value)

  • The “High-Profit Brokerage Planner” ($500 Value)

  • The “High Profit Brokerage Brand Toolkit” ($1000 Value)

  • The “A-Player Recruitment Tool Kit” ($5000 Value)

The “A-Player Avatar Worksheet"

The “A Player Interview Script”

The “A-Player Attraction Package”

The “A-Player Hire Packet”

  • The “Agent Launch Pad System” ($5,000 Value)

The “Agent Business Budget”

The “High Profit Agent’s Income Formula”

The “A-Player Dream Team System”

The “Agent Dream Team Support Rolodex”

  • The “High Profit Agent System Playbook” ($25,000 Value)

The “Expert Realtor System”

The “Attract-to-Close Buyer System”

The “Pitch-to-Close Listing System”

The “Wow Client Experience System”

“Profiting Through Adversity”

“The ‘No Ask’ Referral Ramp Method”

  • The “Endless Lead Wheel Method” ($10,000 Value)

The “Endless Leads Pipeline System”

The “High Dollar Attraction Listing System”

The ‘Piece of Junk’ Sales Method”

  • (9) Personal, 1:1 Milestone Calls with Lisa ($9,000 Value)

How “The Brokerage Firm Fix” MORE Than Pays for Itself…

Get 9-Figures Of Proven Systems & $56,000 Of Personalized Support For As Little As $15,000 Today!

I’ve always believed nothing is expensive or inexpensive… instead, the question to ask yourself is...

What are you getting back? 

And in this case, you’re getting back profits, peace, predictability, and so much more…  so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor without worrying about your brokerage going backwards!

That means more family time, more vacation time, more free time, more predictability, and more profits…

WITHOUT more work! 

Said differently, in just 90 days you could have a self-sustaining brokerage that grows on its own… 

A self-sufficient team of “super-agents” who attract clients around the clock and close incredible deals like clockwork…

And the profits, peace, freedom, stability, and reputation you’ve always dreamed of!

So what’s all of that worth to you? 

If you're like most smart and ambitious broker-owners that I've worked with before, you already know that your peace, profits, time, freedom, reputation, and revenue are invaluable…

That means you’ll recognize that today’s price is a steal of a deal, and saying “YES” right now is a total no-brainer… 

And perhaps the best decision you’ll ever make!

Your Success Is Literally Guaranteed!

Because as long as you’re willing to commit, and follow “The Brokerage Firm Fix” system your success is literally guaranteed!

Let me explain…

I can’t help you succeed until you commit… 

But once you commit, I won’t let you fail, period.  

That’s not some empty philosophy to make me look good (or to convince you to give me your money). 

That’s a promise. A guarantee. 

That’s how confident I am in “The Brokerage Firm Fix” system and my ability to support you…

And, frankly, that’s how committed I am to helping you win back your time while dramatically growing your impact, influence, and, of course, income… 

That’s why, if you diligently follow my direction, attend our milestone calls, and leverage the done-for-you resources I personally customize to you and your needs… 

And you somehow don’t experience far less stress, far more freedom, and far more profit in your brokerage by the end of our time together…

I will personally continue to work with you 1:1 until you experience all of these things (and more) - all at no cost to you. 


Because I know how intimidating it can be to take this leap and make this investment.

That’s why I want you to know—without a shadow of a doubt—that if you put in the work and follow the process, I guarantee you will succeed.

Spots Are Limited

(& Price Will Increase)

I only accept a set number of broker-owners at a time, so I can focus entirely on them and their results. That means 2 things could happen if you choose not to enroll today:

1. “The Brokerage Firm Fix” program will fill - Then you’ll be stuck waiting on a potentially long list to even have a shot at joining the next cohort.

That could be several months from now because I’ll be busy serving the brokers who join today for the next 12 weeks - and won’t even consider new applications during this time.

2. The price will go up - The longer you wait, the more you will pay.

Because as more and more brokers leverage these plug-and-play systems to transform their brokerages into self-sustaining profit centers that run on autopilot, the price will skyrocket.

In other words, you’ll never have the opportunity to work with me again at a price like this.

I’ll leave you with some of the best advice I’ve ever received as a broker…

There are two types of people in this world:

Those who wait. And those who take action.

Every world-class broker-owner I’ve worked with takes action.

My advice to you?

Stop saying “I’ll get to it tomorrow.”

Start exercising your ‘action’ muscle today, now.

Because good things don’t come to those who wait…

Good things come to those who take action.

So tap the button below to join me inside “The Brokerage Firm Fix”...

Before the remaining spots fill!

This could be the moment you look back on and say,

“That’s when everything changed for the better.”

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